A young woman with long hair smiles while standing outdoors with trees in the background. She is wearing a bright pink Los Angeles Lakers t-shirt.

Impacting Lives: Shady’s Story

by Ty Gibson
We’ve just had our ARISE discipleship program graduation, and I have to tell you about one student named Shady, on whom you’ve had a tremendous spiritual impact because of your generous financial…
Three men are smiling and laughing in a split-screen view during a video call. The left man has a beard and wears a black shirt; the middle man wears headphones and a black shirt; the right man has light hair and a black shirt with white stripes, and books are visible behind him.

Global Connections, Lasting Impact: the Light Bearers Live Sessions

by Ty Gibson
When was the last time you cried because you realized the depth of God’s love for you? Do you remember? I have to share with you a message our team recently received because…
A plate of avocado toast topped with sliced boiled eggs, tomato, and sprouts is on a wooden surface. Fresh tomatoes and knife with a fork are beside the plate. Sliced salmon is in a small bowl in the background.


by Ty Gibson
Once I posted a picture of a meal I made on social media. Somebody who saw it asked me, “Don’t you have more important things to do with your time?” More important than…
A dark statue of an angel stands illuminated in a dimly lit setting. The angel has wings and is draped in a robe while holding a horn in one hand and pointing upwards with the other. The background is shadowy, highlighting the intricate details of the angel and surrounding architecture.

Michael the Archangel: A Response to Pastor Eric Mason’s Allegations that Adventism Is a Cult

by Ty Gibson
Eric Mason (@pastoremase), a prominent Christian preacher and author, recently made a reel on…
A person wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans sits on a couch with pink cushions, facing another person on a wooden chair in what appears to be a therapy session in a white-walled room with wooden flooring.


by Ty Gibson
When I was a kid, there were only two things I knew with absolute certainty: pain and love. Suffering defined my existence. Horrors haunted our little home—the horrors of…
Aerial view of calm blue water with large rocks scattered in varying sizes. The rocks near the top left corner are partially submerged, creating a contrast between the turquoise water and the white and gray hues of the rocks.

Experiments of Mercy

by Ty Gibson
“Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20). Every human being is, by nature, obsessed with self. This includes you and me. Self-centeredness is…
A diverse group of seven young adults, smiling widely, take a selfie together outdoors. They seem happy and joyful, capturing a moment of camaraderie. The background is blurred, focusing attention on their cheerful faces.

ARISE Discipleship Program Transforms Lives

by Ty Gibson
In May, we celebrated our 10-year anniversary of running the ARISE discipleship program in Australia. The impact has been nothing short of astounding. Much of that impact is measurable. …
A blurry, abstract image featuring warm tones of orange and brown. The shapes are indistinct, giving the impression of a person or figure, but no clear details or features are discernible. The scene has a soft, painterly quality.

From Skeptic to Believer: My Instantaneous Conversion Story

by Ty Gibson
When I was 18 years old, my mom and my girlfriend conspired against me on my behalf. They sent this goofy looking pastor dude, in a suit and tie, with a big smile to knock on my bedroom door and witness to me. …
A close-up of two hands reaching out toward each other against a clear, light blue sky. The hand in the foreground is reaching upward while the hand in the background is reaching downward, suggesting an act of offering help or seeking connection.

How to Succeed in Ministry

by Ty Gibson
“Hi, Ty! My name is Rob. I know you’re busy, but I’ve seen the goodness of God through your preaching in a way I’ve never seen before and I was wondering if I could get your perspective on something.” …
A soft, abstract watercolor painting featuring shades of orange, yellow, and pink. The colors blend seamlessly, creating a warm, harmonious, and soothing appearance with subtle textures and delicate transitions between hues.

Crisis After Crisis: What Can We Hold Onto?

by Ty Gibson
Anxiety levels are rising worldwide. Surely you have noticed, while, no doubt, trying not to notice. Jesus described the final chapters of human history as involving “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the…
A person takes a photo of a group of three individuals standing near a window. One man, in the center, is giving a thumbs up and smiling widely. Another man and a woman stand beside him, both smiling. A seated person in the foreground is looking away.

The Most Un-Boring Thing Ever

by Ty Gibson
I want to tell you about a 17-year-old girl named Alycia whose life you’ve changed. She sent me the following text: “I’ve been to countless retreats, revivals, and conferences, but never before have I experienced such…
Close-up of a disorganized assortment of vintage letterpress type blocks in various fonts, sizes, and orientations. The dark and moody lighting highlights the textured surfaces and edges of the wooden and metal characters, creating a visually intricate scene.


by Ty Gibson
Words are the building blocks with which we construct sentences in order to convey ideas, form perceptions, ascribe meaning, and tell stories. We are linguistic creatures because we are creatures made in the divine image.…
A group of people, both standing and sitting, pose cheerfully outdoors in front of a building surrounded by lush greenery. They show various fun expressions and gestures, some lifting each other or striking humorous poses. The mood is lively and joyful.

Saved From a Deep Hole

by Ty Gibson
“I was in a really deep hole and Jared pulled me out.” Those are the words of an 18-year-old young man named Noah, a current ARISE student, who testified to me and his…
Abstract image featuring overlapping translucent curves in shades of blue and gray. The curves create an airy, layered effect, with a soft white light emanating from the center, gradually blending into the darker hues at the edges.

The Exodus 

by Ty Gibson
Exodus is a book for people in trouble. People who are controlled by external forces, and by internal forces too. …
A person wearing a green graduation cap and gown is seen from behind, standing against a stone wall and looking slightly to the side. The background is a bright white, highlighting the individual.

How Molly Saw God

by Ty Gibson
Molly Bwalya is a student at the University of Lusaka, Zambia. We all know why people go to universities: to get an education, in order to get a job, in order to get money, in order to provide one’s material…
Aerial view of a dense forest blanketed in snow, with a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees. The landscape appears serene under a light-seated fog, adding a mystical ambiance to the winter scene. The horizon fades into the misty sky.

Two Key Words

by Ty Gibson
Words carry meaning. I say “cat” and immediately an image pops into your head. I say “dog” and the image changes. Some words mean little some mean a lot. And some words mean so much that reality itself would implode…
A pastel-colored art piece features a soft background gradient of pinks, blues, and purples. Silhouetted in white at the bottom are figures walking toward a bright star in the sky, evoking a sense of journey or pilgrimage.

A Political Christmas

by Ty Gibson
The prophet Isaiah foretold the first advent of Christ with the words, “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder” (Isaiah 9:6). …
A person sits on a bench, holding and reading a newspaper that covers their face. They are dressed in a striped shirt, and the background shows out-of-focus urban surroundings with hints of graffiti and other people in the distance.


by Ty Gibson
The gospel is good news, not good advice. It doesn’t tell us what we must do but rather what God has already done for us. And what He’s done for us is so monumental and complete that we literally can’t add anything to…
A stunning view of a narrow canyon with smooth, flowing rock formations in shades of orange, brown, and blue. The ground is sandy, and the light filters in, creating a play of shadows and highlights on the canyon walls.

Grace Supersedes Sin

by Ty Gibson
It’s astounding how much enlightenment can be packed into a single sentence: “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Romans 5:20, KJV). …
The image displays a soft focus of bokeh lights in shades of pink, white, and light purple. The lights are scattered, creating a dreamy and abstract background with a smooth gradient transition to a pale blue on the left.

Coming for His Bride

by Ty Gibson
Once I began a sermon by asking the congregation to shout out the first thing that came to mind when they thought of the Second Coming. One guy yelled, “It won't be a…
Two young girls walk arm-in-arm down an empty urban street. One wears a black dress with white polka dots, and the other wears a floral dress. They face away from the camera toward a distant brick building with large windows.

Minds Differ, So Assume The Best

by Ty Gibson
Probably the most important and yet challenging discipline to which the Christian is called is to love with a kind of love that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians…
A blended image showcasing the U.S. Capitol building on the left side with a classic church building on the right side. The center of the image is blurred, creating a transition effect between the political and religious structures.

Politics and Religion: The Diabolical Union Almost Nobody Sees Coming

by Ty Gibson
I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a conservative and I'm not a liberal. I’m a follower of Jesus,…
Shattered pieces of a ceramic plate, predominantly white with some blue parts, scattered across a gray, textured surface. The fragments vary in size and shape, spreading outward in different directions.

Love Matters Most, Part 10

by Ty Gibson
Love Does Not Rejoice in the Failures of Others. My best friend and I were trying to master a challenging skateboard maneuver. The goal was to dip down from the shallow end…
An exploration of forgiveness and when it's okay to withdraw from a relationship

On the Nature of Forgiveness and When to End a Relationship

by Ty Gibson
There are traits and talents latent within you that can only be brought to active expression when you are in healthy, honest relationships. By remaining in destructive relationships, you are suppressing your unborn…
A long, empty road stretches through a desolate landscape, flanked by rugged hills on either side. The sky above is dark and ominous, with thick clouds suggesting an impending storm. The scene has a dramatic and moody atmosphere.

Love Matters Most, Part 7

by Ty Gibson
Love is Not Provoked I have a problem in the kitchen. Every time I attempt to boil water, it boils over. This, of course, creates a terrible mess. But this is a small…
A bright, glowing sun peeks over the horizon of a planet, casting red and white light rays into space. The planet's surface appears illuminated, with visible terrain patterns and a dark expanse of space in the background.

Signs of the Second Coming

by Ty Gibson
Dear Friend of Light Bearers, With this worldwide pandemic, it feels like we're on the precipice of a great disaster. …
A close-up, colorful 3D rendering of a virus, showing a round, spiky surface with purple and turquoise structures protruding from it. The background is a soft blend of white, purple, and blue gradients with other blurred virus particles in the distance.

Scarier Than Coronavirus

by Ty Gibson
In Matthew 24, Jesus warned that as the end of human history approaches a number of signs will increase in frequency and intensity. The spread of contagious diseases is in His list. The coronavirus it's pretty scary for a…
A person stands in the middle of a snowy landscape, leaving footprints behind in the snow. The sun is setting or rising between distant mountains, casting a warm glow over the scene. The sky is clear with a few clouds near the horizon.

Love Matters Most, Part 1

by Ty Gibson
When Martyrdom Doesn't Matter Shortly after I became a follower of Jesus, somebody in a group Bible study said something that was kind of like theological shock therapy for…
Abstract image featuring circular bokeh lights in soft, warm hues of pink, orange, and blue. The lights are out of focus, creating a dreamy and blurred effect that fills the entire frame.


by Ty Gibson
Have you ever expected one thing and gotten another? Once while traveling to Germany, I expected a small, gutless, compact rental car, because that’s what I reserved.…
A silhouette of a man with a beard is visible in the foreground, illuminated by a torch he holds, casting a warm, flickering light in the dark surroundings. The background is mostly black, emphasizing the glow of the torch and the contours of the man's face.

Covenant Cutting

by Ty Gibson
Get three animals, cut each of them in two, straight down the middle, and lay the pieces across from one another to form a pathway between the three sets of severed pieces. …
A solitary figure stands at the end of a long, narrow pier extending into a calm, expansive body of water under an overcast sky, giving a sense of isolation and vastness. The scene is moody with muted blues and grays.

The Accuser and the Advocate

by Ty Gibson
There's a lot going on inside your head. What shall I have for lunch? Is my anniversary coming…
A misty forest scene with tall trees shrouded in thick fog. The sunlight filters through the mist, creating a warm, ethereal glow. The trees stand in silhouette, giving the image a mysterious, tranquil atmosphere.

Strange, Secret Longings

by Ty Gibson
“What may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by…
A man wearing a white shirt, gray pants, and a tie speaks passionately to an audience from a stage in a large indoor venue. He uses expressive hand gestures, and the audience listens attentively. There is a podium and a large screen to his left.

You Are Invited… Back to the Beginning!

by Ty Gibson
In ancient times, the people of God considered it vital to their spiritual well-being to spend time in one another’s presence before the Lord. They saw themselves as many individuals that together composed one corporate…
A close-up of a person holding an open Bible, with their right hand poised to turn the page. The text on the visible page includes a passage from the book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. The background is out of focus, drawing attention to the Bible.

Revolutionize Your Picture of God

by Ty Gibson
We live in a world in desperate need of a revolution. In cosmology, the word revolution refers to “the rotation of a celestial body on its axis.” From that…
A person holding a sign that reads "FORGIVENESS" above their head. They are wearing a white t-shirt with the words "I'm sorry." The image is set in an urban environment, with a few other people around and construction barriers in the background.

Enmity in the Air

by Ty Gibson
One time when I was in the fifth grade a fight broke out during recess. All the kids were gathered around yelling as two boys were punching and kicking one another. What I remember most is feeling nervous and sick to my stomach. That’s what the…
A couple is running hand in hand on a sandy beach toward the sea. The man is wearing a dark suit, and the woman is wearing a white dress. The sky is overcast, creating a soft, muted atmosphere. The couple's backs are turned to the camera.

Three More Keys to a Great Marriage

by Ty Gibson
Just yesterday a friend in his 30s said, “I went to a wedding last week and was blown away to find out that nearly all of my friends from college are already married and divorced.” Divorce has become so common, we basically expect it…
Three Keys to a Great Marriage by Ty Gibson

Three Keys to a Great Marriage

by Ty Gibson
Someone has said, “Marriage is like flies on a windowsill. Those on the outside want in, and those on the inside want out.” Well, I've got better news. It's possible to be on the inside of marriage and want to be there. I've been on…
A Feast in July by Ty Gibson

A Feast In July

by Ty Gibson
Light Bearers Convocation is right around the corner, July 3-7. If you’ve never attended, you’re missing out. "Convocation" is a big, old word. We don’t necessarily like big words, but we do like old words with big meaning. This word basically…
Land of Fire and Warm Hearts by Ty Gibson

Land of Fire and Warm Hearts

by Ty Gibson
One of the best experiences I’ve ever had as an evangelist was in Malawi. I preached from a wooden platform constructed of an odd mixture of wood, sheet metal, bricks, and colorful cloth. Speakers were hung in trees. There were a few chairs, but…
A person with long brown hair stands facing the ocean, with a dark, sheer fabric wrapped around their head, obscuring their eyes. They are wearing a light-colored shirt. The background features a calm sea and an overcast sky.

Unbelievably Diabolical

by Ty Gibson
It's no secret that Christianity is dying in Western countries. There are a number of factors contributing to this trend, but maybe the biggest is the fact that mainstream Christianity is asking the world to believe two doctrines that together…
A person holding a lit sparkler against a blurred, soft blue background. The sparkler is emitting bright, colorful sparks and small bursts of light, creating a festive and celebratory atmosphere. The hand holding the sparkler is slightly out of focus.

Looking Back to the Future

by Ty Gibson
“Let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another” (Galatians 6:4, NKJV). There’s a reason why so many treadmills end up at the thrift store. New Year's Resolutions are a popular…
A crowded street filled with numerous rickshaws, cars, and pedestrians. Overhead, cables hang haphazardly. The street is lined with storefronts, signs, and buildings fading into the distance, suggesting a bustling urban environment.

Doors Open in India

by Ty Gibson
It was November of 2001—November 5 to be exact. Sixteen years ago! That was the last time and the only other time that Light Bearers managed to get a container of gospel literature into India. Now God has again prevailed, this time through a…
Snow gently falling in front of a dark, blurred background of trees, creating a peaceful, wintry scene. A layer of snow is visible in the foreground, accumulating on a flat surface, possibly a fence or ledge.

Infinite Empathy

by Ty Gibson
Emotions are a mysterious phenomenon. Think about it. A person’s smile has the power to make you feel something pleasant inside. A person’s tears can throw you into tears with them even before you know why they’re crying. The mere fact that…
A tranquil landscape at sunset featuring a calm lake surrounded by fields and hills. The sun is partially set, casting a warm glow across the sky, which transitions from blue to orange, with a few scattered clouds. The scene exudes peace and natural beauty.

A Day in the Life of Light Bearers

by Ty Gibson
It's 6 AM and already 17 new emails have appeared in my inbox. No, wait, four more just arrived, so make that 21. By 9 o'clock there will be 40 or more. Here’s one from Stephanie, who coordinates literature shipments from Light Bearers. She is…
A group of people, dressed in historical and religious attire, gather in a large room with stained glass windows. A central figure, possibly a monk or religious figure, stands in the middle with arms crossed, while others observe or engage in discussion around him.

The Continuing Reformation

by Ty Gibson
“The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural upheaval that splintered Catholic Europe.” That’s how the History Channel website defines the Protestant Reformation—as an historical event…
A group of people are standing in a line on a street, holding various flags including Confederate and Nazi flags. Many are wearing casual clothing, while some have shields and helmets. The scene is outside with a brick building and trees in the background.

A Brutal Wakeup Call

by Ty Gibson
It’s 2017. Not 1526.1 Not 1863.2 Not…
A historic painting depicts a man in a monk's robe nailing a document to a church door while several onlookers, also in period clothing, watch intently. The scene is rendered in a reddish-pink hue.

95 Theses for the Continuing Reformation

by Ty Gibson
Martin Luther and John Calvin changed the world by the power of their good theology in spite of their bad theology. The Dark Ages from which they were emerging were very dark, indeed, and some of that darkness clung to the great Protestant Reformers…
A cozy library with long rows of bookshelves filled with various books. Hanging light bulbs illuminate the aisle, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The perspective extends into the distance, emphasizing the depth of the shelves.

Super Knowledge

by Ty Gibson
We are creatures of “knowledge.” Our entire existence is shaped by what we know and how we know. According to the Bible, there is a regular, run-of-the-mill knowledge, and then there is a kind of knowledge that operates at a deeper, wider,…
A young child with blonde hair, wearing a green hoodie, is seen from behind, holding a bouquet of red flowers extended towards a woman with long hair in a gray dress. The background is a bright, white brick wall.

I Wish I Could Tell Her "Happy Mother’s Day”

by Ty Gibson
My mom was a force of nature. As poet Barbara Kingsolver once said, “Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” That was my mom. Fiercely independent, she left home at 15 and got a job as a waitress. The popular, cool…
Close-up of an open Bible showing the title page of "The Book of Ezekiel". Text appears black on white paper. The partial view of the page also includes some text about the theme and details of the book, but it's mostly unreadable.

Running Back and Forth

by Ty Gibson
Hello friends of Light Bearers! There are so many exciting things going on here at the ministry, I can hardly keep up. But I'd rather be busy than bored. I'm sure you feel the same. I recently read in Ezekiel the mind-blowing fact that we’re…
A close-up of a person's face, seen in partial shadow, peering intently through a small, irregularly shaped hole in a dark surface. Light shines through the hole, illuminating an eye and part of the face, creating a dramatic contrast.

When Jesus Put Shame to Shame

by Ty Gibson
If you know me at all, then you know that I am decidedly anti-coercion. And yet, if I could make every person on the planet listen to this audio message by my friend, Elise Harboldt, I would. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating for effect, but I'm hoping…

Daughters of Eve

by Ty Gibson
Today is International Women’s Day. As for me, I’m a “ladies man,” but not in the way you are familiar with the term. My happiest childhood memories are of one summer with my grandmother, Eleanor, fishing, trapping critters, hiking up…

What the War’s About

by Ty Gibson
“War broke out in heaven…” (Revelation 12:7). Satan launched his revolt against God not with bullets and bombs but with subtly spun lies. The Greek word for “war” in the above text is…
A shadowy mask floats in the center of an image with a gradient background transitioning from deep purple at the bottom to a warm, light glow at the top. The mask, with eye cutouts, appears to be translucent, blending into the background.

The Parable of the True (Un)Believer

by Ty Gibson
The kingdom of heaven is like unto two men, one who believed in God and one who did not. The first man engaged in prejudice and hatred and various other forms of ugliness…
A man in a checkered shirt and tie is standing on a stage with a microphone headset, gesturing with both hands. Behind him is a screen displaying text and a graphic of a network diagram. The background is dimly lit.

Something to Say at Princeton University

by Ty Gibson
Ministry needs to happen everywhere—even among the educated elite. Evangelists recognize that the highly educated are the most difficult class to reach with the gospel, generally speaking. Recently, feeling the weight of this fact, I delivered six…
A child stands on a large fallen tree trunk in a forest. The background is filled with lush greenery and is enveloped in mist, creating a serene and ethereal atmosphere. The child is looking towards the mist, wearing casual clothes and appears lost in thought.

The Theological Identity of the Remnant

by Ty Gibson
When the “remnant” is brought to view in Revelation, our attention is directed to God’s intent that the movement be defined by a specific theological construct: “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the…
Two adult hands gently cradle the tiny feet of a newborn baby, resting on a soft, fluffy blanket. The baby appears to be lying in a woven basket. The image portrays tenderness and care.

What If the Good News Is Better Than You Think? 

by Ty Gibson
After explaining that Christ is “the Word” and “the Light” to every person in the world (John 1:1-9), John makes an enormous, encompassing, extravagant claim: “Of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John…
Two people, one elderly and one younger, are playing chess on a concrete table in an outdoor urban setting. Both are focused on the game. Other people and buildings are visible in the background, with one person bundled up taking a phone call near a tree.

Three Reasons to be a Relational Risk Taker

by Ty Gibson
There are definitely moments in which you ought to be careful, calculated, and cautious. And there are moments in which you ought to cast caution to the wind and be a big-time risk taker. Yeah, be cautious as a driver. Relax—please. Being late…
A grayscale image of a hand with droplets of water splashing into the palm. The background is blurred, drawing attention to the intricate details of the water droplets and the hand. The scene evokes a sense of tranquility and connection to nature.

The Latter Rain in Practical Terms

by Ty Gibson
The Bible is filled with agricultural symbolism as a means of depicting God’s grand and glorious purpose for humanity (Matthew 13). God is in the business of growing things—a new crop of humans, to be exact (1 Corinthians 3:6-8). Human…
A rundown, empty room with peeling paint on the walls and ceiling. The wooden floor is damaged and partially covered in debris. Two open doors are visible, one on the left and one on the right. A window is present in the left corner of the room.

The Apocalypse of Human Sexuality

by Ty Gibson
Sex is in the news. Big time! Bruce Jenner’s transgender process has prompted nearly everyone on the planet to ponder the nature of human sexuality. To the delight of some and to the horror of others, Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, was named…
Black and white image of a person wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants, standing in a large, empty, corrugated metal tunnel. The person is holding a lit flare, casting light that illuminates the tunnel.

The Little We Know

by Ty Gibson
A rational appeal to the atheist: Intending no disrespect at all to the scientific achievements of mankind, I want to call our attention to the fact that the human data bank of knowledge is minuscule compared to all there is to know.…
A silhouette of an open birdcage with two birds flying freely against a gradient background of light blue and green. The scene is set against a hazy sky, with soft sunlight illuminating the birds and the grass at the bottom.

Obedience vs Legalism

by Ty Gibson
A man once came to me and said, “My marriage is falling apart. My wife says she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore, and my feelings for her are pretty much dead too. I guess it’s over, huh?” He was startled by my immediate…
A person wearing a brown shirt holds a globe with both hands in an outdoor setting. The background is blurred, featuring tall grass and a distant horizon under a softly lit sky.

Global Impact

by Ty Gibson
In 1985, a few of us new converts—James Rafferty, Sue Gibson, and myself—received what we knew to be specific direction from the God of the universe. We were young and on fire for the Lord (now we're older but still on fire for the Lord). James…
A person, seen from behind, wears a white skullcap and a white robe, standing under a cloudy sky. The image highlights their head and shoulders, with only the back of the figure visible against the light blue background.

So What About the Pope? 

by Ty Gibson
Pope Francis definitely has our attention. Bible prophecy said that would be the case (Revelation 13:3). But why? What is the significance of his influence and why does he have such massive influence in the first place? Even avowed…
A Closer Look at Women's Ordination by Ty Gibson

Um Olhar Atento Sobre A Ordenação de Mulheres

by Ty Gibson
english  |  …
A monochromatic image of a bird in mid-flight against a blank background. The bird's wings are fully extended upwards, showing fine details of the feathers. The composition is minimalist, with the bird slightly off-center to the left.

Women’s Ordination: Is the Church Free To Act?

by Ty Gibson
The God of the Bible is a delegator, not a micromanager. He entrusts His children with decision-making power. God is not a control freak, but rather a freedom lover. Adam and Eve were given “dominion” over the world God had made for them…
A Closer Look at Women's Ordination by Ty Gibson


by Ty Gibson
english  |  español  |  русский  |  …
A Closer Look at Women's Ordination by Ty Gibson

Una Mirada Más Profunda a la Ordenación de la Mujer

by Ty Gibson
english  |  español  |  русский  |  …
A detailed black and white illustration depicts a chaotic scene of angels equipped with shields and swords battling against dark, winged demons with weapons. The intense struggle fills the scene, showcasing dramatic expressions and dynamic movement.

Women’s Ordination: Shall Angels or Demons Guide Us?

by Ty Gibson
Adventism is heating up as we approach the GC Session in Texas, during which a vote will be taken on women’s ordination. In all my years as a member of this church I…
A Closer Look at Women's Ordination by Ty Gibson

A Closer Look At Women’s Ordination

by Ty Gibson
english  |  …
Two people are shaking hands, but their fingers are interlocked in a way that resembles an arm-wrestling grip rather than a traditional handshake. One person is wearing a light-colored suit, and the other is in a dark-colored suit, both against a plain white background.

Conservative or Liberal?

by Ty Gibson
“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21). Apparently, God sees in us an inclination to veer off course to the…
A figure shrouded in flowing bandages emerges from a dimly lit cave into a brilliant, blinding light, creating a dramatic and ethereal scene. The surroundings suggest ancient, mystical, or resurrection themes. Dust and debris are illuminated by the glowing light.

Resurrection Remix

by Ty Gibson
The resurrection of Jesus was not an arbitrary act of God. Rather, it was the definitive conquest of other-centered love over the death-dealing principle of self-centeredness inherent in all sin. According to Paul, “the law of the Spirit of…
A young boy wearing a white jacket smiles as he writes on a piece of paper with a blue pen at a wooden desk. A yellow notebook rests nearby. The background features a red-colored wall.

The Power of the Printed Page

by Ty Gibson
Plain and simple: words of truth on paper are extremely powerful. Allow me to break this down for us. First, are  need to understand that the words of God are a creative, life-giving force: “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they…
A newborn baby lies on its back on a soft, white blanket, illuminated softly against a dark background. The baby is looking to the side with its fist near its mouth, wrapped comfortably in fabric, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

The Deeper Meaning of Christmas

by Ty Gibson
When we speak of the birth of Christ, we are speaking of the most sublime and astounding event in all of eternal history. God literally became a human being. “Without controversy,” Paul exclaims with wonder, “great is the mystery of godliness:…
The Old Covenant Brood by Ty Gibson

The Old Covenant Brood

by Ty Gibson
The current tensions and polemics within the Seventh-day Adventist Church are not occurring in a vacuum. We have history behind us that has created the trajectory within which we are now living. To a significant degree the spirit and content of our…
A mesmerizing view of the Milky Way galaxy stretching across the night sky, surrounded by a multitude of sparkling stars. The galaxy's core glows brightly at the bottom, transitioning into a soft haze against the deep blue and black background.

Cosmic Atonement

by Ty Gibson
God is up to something bigger than our eternal salvation. Certainly, from our individual standpoint it is hard to imagine anything bigger. To be saved from sin and given the assurance of eternal life is a truly marvelous thing. But notice the…
A person is adorned in traditional, intricate tribal attire with a tall, beaded headdress adorned with feathers. Their face is painted and decorated with elaborate ornaments, including a large circular white ornament covering their nose and mouth area. The background is dark.

Worlds Apart (Not Anymore)

by Ty Gibson
Sutherlin, Oregon and Papua New Guinea are worlds apart. Separated by 6,518 miles and the vast Pacific Ocean. Sutherlin is in the Northern Hemisphere and Papua New Guinea is in the Southern. But the two places and their people are separated by more…
A lone bird with outstretched wings is silhouetted against a gradient sky that transitions from a dark teal on the left to a pale blue on the right. The image evokes a sense of freedom and solitude.

How to Be Free from Guilt

by Ty Gibson
The Bible knows what’s going on inside of you. It understands the complexity of the human being and penetrates into the deep mental, emotional and moral issues we all deal with. Notice, for example, this insightful passage from King…
Close-up view of rippling ocean waves under a bright sky. Sunlight reflects off the surface of the water, creating spots of shimmering light. The horizon is faintly visible in the background. The image evokes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty.

Revelation 13: An Annotated Reading

by Ty Gibson
The book of Revelation is highly symbolic. Its prophecies are written in a kind of code language that must be interpreted to make sense. A casual reading will blur the eyes and befuddle the mind. One must take the time to define each symbol by…
A simple maroon-colored graphic displaying a solid maroon bishop's mitre with a cross in the center. The background is a matching maroon shade, and the mitre has a slight shadow effect underneath.

The Romanism Within

by Ty Gibson
The new Pope, Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has caused quite a stir recently. So much so, in fact, that an ardent Protestant friend said to me the other day, “Wow, this new pope seems like a really good guy and he’s saying some good things. Maybe…
A densely packed crowd of people, showing a vast congregation with individuals wearing various colors of clothing. The image is taken from a high vantage point, capturing the sheer number of attendees in the area.

A Nameless Mass?

by Ty Gibson
Six million people. It’s a big number. When I hear it, I don’t see faces. But God does. To me, it’s a number that represents a nameless mass. But not for God. He sees faces, behind which are personal histories and heartaches,…
A black-and-white image shows a young boy and an adult man, possibly his father, both shirtless and standing in front of a mirror, applying shaving cream to their faces. The boy is mimicking the man's actions, suggesting a bonding moment.

The Identity-Shaping Power of Fatherhood

by Ty Gibson
“The Father Himself loves you” (John 16:27). Fatherhood is an identity-shaping vocation. Whether he does so consciously or not, a dad tells his child who and what to become. The child is significantly defined by the father’s manner of…
A metallic, silver-colored helium balloon shaped like the number 7 against a plain white background.

Seven Habits Worth Cultivating

by Ty Gibson
Every time you perform an action it contributes to shaping your fundamental identity. When life is done, you are the sum total of your repeated actions. Here are seven actions worth repeating over and over again this year until they become habits…
A night sky is filled with vibrant fireworks in various colors including red, white, and gold. The fireworks burst create a dazzling display with sparkling trails and bright, exploding patterns.

Present Stage: A New Year Prayer

by Ty Gibson
Lord God Almighty, ineffably holy, Great in weakness, immeasurably lowly, From the corner of my eye, I see Your glory, Through prophets of old who breathed Your story. But sweep me into the narrative now, Resisting no longer, Your will to…
A blurred image with a gradient of colors including soft shades of yellow, green, blue, and purple, merging into each other and giving a dreamy, abstract atmosphere. No distinct objects or shapes are identifiable.

Four Incredible Lyrics from Advent Songs

by Ty Gibson
I’m one of those weirdos who could listen to Christmas music year-round. But I don’t, because I love the special sense of awareness of the incarnation that dawns upon my heart every year in December as advent songs begin to play. Some of these…
A small black nail is centered on a light grey background, casting a faint shadow behind it. The image has a minimalist feel with ample negative space.

Stop Tinkering!

by Ty Gibson
Is there somebody in your family or in your church who is doing something you think they ought not to be doing? Of course there is! Are there people around you with defects of character that you can’t help but notice? Yep! Do you find…
One person hands out copies of a publication titled "DISCOVER" to another person in front of a blurred, warm-toned background. The exchange captures a moment of sharing information or news.

Amazing Things Happen

by Ty Gibson
The mission field is an exciting place to be. Special and unique experiences occur as human agents make themselves available as ambassadors for Christ. The truth of the gospel maneuvers its way into out-of-the-way places and reaches hearts in…
A 3D-rendered image of a human brain floating against a smooth gradient background of blue, pink, and purple hues. The brain appears illuminated, with subtle light reflections highlighting its intricate details. The colorful backdrop gives the image a futuristic feel.

Psychic Civil War

by Ty Gibson
No doubt you’ve heard someone say, “I am my own worst enemy.” Maybe you’ve said it yourself. We intuitively understand that there is some sense in which the I stands against the me. Part of me wants to be something other than…
Dark, billowing storm clouds fill the sky, leaving only a small, bright spot of light in the center, suggesting a break in the clouds. The scene is dramatic and contrasts the dense, textured clouds with the piercing brightness above.

God’s Secret

by Ty Gibson
Apparently God has a secret to tell us. And it’s the best secret imaginable. If we lean in close to Him through Bible study and prayer, we’ll hear Him whispering the confidential mystery into our hearts. Be still and listen: “The secret of…
Four men are having a serious discussion around a table with open books and colorful toy blocks. The background is dark with only the men and the table illuminated. One man uses hand gestures while speaking; the others are listening attentively.

Introducing Table Talk

by Ty Gibson
Four guys at a table. A list of provocative and sublime topics. All they’re told in advance is, “Bring your Bible and your brain.” No rules. No script. Just straight from the heart, conversation about the things that matter…
A young child with light brown hair and a striped shirt smiles at the camera while sitting on an airplane. The airplane window is visible in the background, letting in bright light. The child appears happy and excited.

Not Letter, But Spirit

by Ty Gibson
As I took my seat on the plane, an energetic little boy came up the aisle with his dad. In my mind I thought, “I sure hope he’s not gonna be in the seat behind me.” As a frequent flyer, I know short legs tend to kick seatbacks. As he walked…
A heavy black ball and chain shackle lying on a plain white surface. The ball is attached to a broken metal chain, indicating it has been severed from its original position. The image is well lit, with shadows cast on the surface.

Setting the Captives Free

by Ty Gibson
A powerful ministry to prison inmates is under way in Kenya. A group called the King’s Messengers, sponsored by the East- Central Africa Division, recently paid a series of visits to a prison in Nairobi housing 3,500 men. Rather than merely…
A small wooden heart sits on a wooden surface surrounded by wood shavings. The heart has a textured, rustic appearance, and the background is softly blurred, emphasizing the heart as the focal point. The lighting is warm and soft, creating a cozy atmosphere.

God’s Masterpiece

by Ty Gibson
The human mind is creativity in motion. Each moment of each day we see things, take in a plethora of sensory data, intersect with people, and experience life—and all the while, with every encounter, we are incrementally changing, becoming…
A woman with long, wavy blonde hair covers her face with her hands, appearing upset or distressed. She is wearing a dark green jacket, and one of her hands features two rings. The background is blurred, putting emphasis on her emotions.

When Evil Strikes

by Ty Gibson
On Friday as I walked into my wife’s office to say hi, smiling and eager to interrupt her work with a flirtatious moment or two, she swiveled around toward me in her chair and said, “Have you heard about what happened in Connecticut?” There…
A small, dilapidated church with a tilted steeple stands in a wintry landscape. Light beams through the empty windows and cracks, casting dramatic rays. Bare trees surround the church, and the ground is covered in snow, creating an eerie yet serene scene.

And In My World…

by Ty Gibson
Wow, I was so blessed by David's “world” that I’d like to expand the vision to the church. In my world, the church would be a place in which Jesus is the one Truth that gives meaning and heart and…
A child dressed in winter clothing walks through a snowy forest at night, holding a stick and leaving footprints in the snow. A bird flies nearby, and the scene is lit by a mystical light from above, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Teetering On The Edge

by Ty Gibson
Here’s some raw data that ought to blow your mind, make you want to cry, and arouse your suspicions all at once: “According to the UN Environment Program, the earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists estimate that…
An array of numerous identical gray human icons arranged in rows and columns on a light gray background. Among them, a single human icon is highlighted in orange at the center of the image.

Why You Matter So Much

by Ty Gibson
Today in a little Australian town called Byron Bay I noticed a sign that says, “I saw the universe change today.” Whoever wrote those words was paying attention. According to “chaos theory,” the single movement of a butterfly’s wing may…
A man with dark hair and glasses, dressed in a light shirt and pants, smiles while giving two thumbs up. The image is shot from above, with a fisheye lens effect, making him appear exaggeratedly disproportional. The background is plain white.

How Not To Be Weird

by Ty Gibson
Placing an order in a café recently, the server said, “You don’t eat meat? That’s weird.” I responded, with a smile of course, “Yeah, it’s way less weird to catch a beautiful creature, look into its frightened eyes, cut its throat as it…
A young child wearing green swim trunks swims underwater in a pool, bubbles rising above their head. The child is striking a playful pose, balancing on one leg with arms extended forward, fingers pointing as if imitating a superhero.

Three Simple Steps For Overcoming Any Sin

by Ty Gibson
"We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). Whoever you are, whatever your struggles and temptations may be, sweet victory is yours for the taking. Right now! All you need do is appreciate, appropriate and act upon what…
A person stands on a reflective wet surface, facing a vibrant, dramatic sunset with clouds casting brilliant hues of orange, purple, and blue across the sky and water. The person wears a hooded jacket and shorts, gazing towards the horizon.

Four Surefire Ways to Maintain High Energy

by Ty Gibson
"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever" (1 Corinthians 9:25, NIV). In their excellent book, The Power of Full…